
放射科医生是专门通过使用医学成像技术(如x射线)诊断和治疗疾病和损伤的医生, computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (核磁共振成像), 核医学, positron emission tomography (PET), 融合成像, 和超声波. 在星际娱乐app这里, 贝勒医学院放射科的医生对诊断图像进行专业解读. Procedures include x-ray, CT(或CAT), 核磁共振成像, 核医学, 3 d乳房x光检查, 骨质密度, 和超声波 exams.

CT (CAT扫描)

CT, also referred to as a CAT scan or computerized axial tomography, 是一种特殊的x射线测试,使用x射线和电脑产生被称为“切片”的身体横截面图像. 星际娱乐app utilizes the 128-slice GE Revolution HD CT machine, which guarantees you the most technologically advanced CT option in Matagorda County. The increased image clarity helps clinicians diagnose with greater confidence, and the advanced low dose technology means you’re exposed to less radiation.

Important 信息 before your CAT scan

Inform the technologist if you may be pregnant. 如果有怀孕的可能性,可以在检查前进行妊娠试验.

请带一份你目前服用的药物清单,因为在检查之前,技术人员会问你一些有关这些药物的问题. These questions will include any allergies (especially to iodine) you may have, a previous reaction to X-ray “dye,” renal problems or diabetes. Inform the technologist if you are taking any medication for diabetes.

What to Expect during Your Exam

委员会认证的CT技术专家为您进行检查,技术专家将向您解释整个过程,并提供扫描的任何具体说明. 有时你可能需要屏住呼吸,如果需要造影剂或染料,可能需要静脉注射.

Some exams require you to drink an oral contrast agent. If this is necessary, 技术人员会给你提供对比,并告诉你在扫描前什么时候喝.

It is very important not to move during the exam. You will be positioned on a scan table and then moved into the scanner. 技术人员将随时监视您,并通过双向麦克风和监视器与您保持持续沟通. During this brief time, 你会听到设备的嗡嗡声,因为它产生的图像和扫描表将移动,因为不同的图像产生.

What to Expect after Your Exam

扫描的图像将由贝勒医学院星际娱乐app的合作医生进行审查和解释, and a report will be sent to the physician who ordered your exam. Your doctor will discuss the results of the exam with you at your next appointment.

3 d乳房x光检查

Also called tomosynthesis, 3D乳房x光检查是一种革命性的筛查和诊断工具,专为早期乳腺癌检测而设计,与传统的2D数字乳房x光检查捆绑在一起. During the 3D portion of the exam, the X-ray arm sweeps in a slight arc over the breast, taking multiple breast images. A computer then produces a 3D image of the breast tissue in one millimeter slices.

感谢星际线上娱乐的社区和支持者通过星际娱乐app的慷慨支持, 星际娱乐app 3 d-enabled Senographe Pristina Mammography System 可以:

  • Help detect cancer when breasts are dense
  • Be used in both screening and diagnostic 乳房x光检查
  • Reduce the number of call-backs and possible biopsies

Digital Mammography

数字乳房x线摄影是筛查和检测乳腺癌的有效方法,与胶片图像相比,它有几个优点, 包括:

  • Easier to read, helping radiologists make 准确的 diagnosis
  • Covers a larger dynamic range of all areas of the breast, despite varying densities
  • Can reduce the need for another mammogram
  • Can be stored and transferred electronically

If detected early, the five-year survival rate for breast cancer exceeds 96 percent. Call (979) 241-3420 or (979) 245-6383 to schedule your mammogram.


磁共振成像(核磁共振成像)是一种革命性的诊断成像形式,在早期诊断各种健康问题方面具有巨大的潜力, most treatable stages. 在某些情况下, 核磁共振成像已被证明优于其他形式的诊断成像,其许多临床应用才刚刚开始充分利用. 核磁共振成像使用强大的磁场和无线电波来产生计算机处理过的身体内部图像. Unlike x-ray or CT Scan, 核磁共振成像 does not require the use of ionizing radiation. There is no pain or discomfort and there are no known side effects.


No special preparation is required for the 核磁共振成像 exam. You may eat or drink prior to the 检查 and take any prescribed medication. Since the procedure involves the use of a strong magnet, you should leave behind any metal or magnetic-sensitive objects such as watches, rings or other metal jewelry and credit cards. 认为自己可能怀孕的妇女应在检查前通知医生.

Upon arrival for your 检查, the 核磁共振成像 staff will obtain some information before you enter the scanner room.

No one with a cardiac pacemaker, ferromagnetic aneurysm clip, neuro-stimulator, inner ear prosthesis, or metal foreign object in the eye will be allowed into the scanner room.


You may be asked to change into a hospital gown for the 检查. 在这个过程中,你只需躺在一个圆柱体内的桌子上大约一个小时. 在此期间,电脑将从几个不同的角度观察你的身体内部,以提供一个全面的诊断研究. You will hear a loud knocking sound like a drum beat while the scan is in progress, and it is important to remain still at this time. Earplugs or headphones will be available if you wish to use them. Our technologist will be in constant touch with you during the entire procedure. 在检查过程中,您可以随时通过对讲系统与技术人员交谈. Depending on the area of the body to be examined, a contrast material may be needed to get sharper pictures. This material is injected into a vein. 造影剂的使用将由核磁共振成像医生根据个人情况决定和管理.


Magnetic Resonance Imaging provides a unique set of images, which will be studied by the 核磁共振成像 physician. The results will be reported directly to your physician. In many cases, 核磁共振成像 eliminates the need for additional diagnostic procedures.


If you have any additional questions about Magnetic Resonance Imaging, please call your physician or a member of our technical staff. 星际线上娱乐是来帮忙的.

What is 核医学

核医学 involves the use of radioactive materials, 或同位素, to obtain specific diagnostic information.这些同位素发射的射线代表了器官的大小、形状和功能. The rays are detected by a special camera which, when coupled with a computer, produces a characteristic image on a screen.

What Will the Exam Be Like?

The individual who performs the 检查 is a Nuclear Medical technologist. This technologist has completed a rigorous course of education and training, 并在放射科医生的密切监督下工作(放射科医生是专门研究影像检查的医生), 比如超声波, x射线, 等.) to assure the most 准确的 results from your exam.

Your technologist will gently position you on the scanning table under the camera. A radionuclide will then be injected or taken orally. This makes it possible for the camera to detect certain organs and their functions. 病人受到的辐射量是最小的,没有明显的危险. The radionuclide or tracer material is eliminated from the body in a day or two. Complications or side effects are rare.

Most scans require many different images and perhaps a few position changes. You will be asked to lie still. Each scan will take about three minutes, although some may take longer. Movement may results in the need for additional scans.

How Long Will the Exam Take?

Time will vary significantly depending on the nature of the study and other factors. Exam lengths vary from 1-2 hours.

How Will I Learn the 结果?

A 核医学 physician will study the 检查 and consult with your doctor, who will then advise you of the results.


超声波是利用声波来获得人体各器官和组织的医学图像或图像. It is a painless and safe procedure.

超声波能产生你的软组织(心脏、血管、子宫、膀胱等)的精确图像.) and reveals internal motion such as heart beat and blood flow. It can detect diseased or damaged tissues, locate abnormal growths and identify a wide variety of changing conditions, which enables your doctor to make a quick and 准确的 diagnosis.

What Will the Exam Be Like?

The individual who will be performing your 超声波 is known as a sonographer. 该技术人员技术精湛,受过良好教育,在放射科医生的密切监督下工作. 放射科医生是专门研究各种影像检查(如x射线)的内科医生, 超声波, 乳房x光检查, CT, 核磁共振成像 and 核医学.

The technologist will assist you on to the 检查 table. 此时此刻, an oil or transmission gel will be applied to the area of your body that will be examined. A transducer will be moved slowly over the body part being imaged. 换能器向机载计算机发送信号,计算机处理数据并产生超声图像. It is from this image that the diagnosis is made.

除了换能器在被成像的身体部位上轻微的压力和运动外,你不会感觉到任何东西. It is important that you remain still and relaxed during the procedure. 超声图像将出现在类似电视屏幕的监视器上,并记录在纸上或胶片上,以便进行详细的研究.

How Long Will the Exam Take?

The exam will probably last from 30 to 60 minutes, depending on the anatomy under study. 你可能需要喝水来提高图像的质量(声音在水中传播得更好),这可能会延长考试的时间.

Other Uses for 超声波

超声波 is sometimes used in therapeutic applications for soft tissue injuries. It is also helpful in pre-natal care to determine the age, 性, and growth characteristics of the unborn child.


  • Wear comfortable clothing.
  • Avoid wearing jewelry.
  • Follow all instructions received prior to the 检查.
  • Avoid soft drinks before the exam. Carbonation develops bubbles that may interfere with the image.
  • Be sure to ask any questions relating to your 检查. They will help the evaluation.

What is a 骨质密度 test?

A 骨质密度 test measures how strong bones are. The test will tell you if you have osteoporosis, or weak bones.

Women are at higher risk for osteoporosis than men, and this risk increases with age.

  • If you are a woman age 65 or older, schedule a 骨质密度 test.
  • If you are a woman age 64 or younger and you have gone through menopause, ask your doctor if you need a 骨质密度 test.

If you are at risk for osteoporosis, your doctor or nurse may recommend you get a 骨质密度 test every 2 years.

Men can get osteoporosis, too. If you are a man over age 65 and you are concerned about your bone strength, talk with your doctor or nurse.

What is osteoporosis?

Osteoporosis is a bone disease. It means your bones are weak and more likely to break. People with osteoporosis most often break bones in the hip, spine, and wrist.

There are no signs or symptoms of osteoporosis. You might not know you have the disease until you break a bone. That’s why it’s so important to get a 骨质密度 test to measure your bone strength.

What happens during a 骨质密度 test?

A 骨质密度 test is like an x-ray or scan of your body. A 骨质密度 test doesn’t hurt, and you don’t need to do anything to prepare for it. It only takes about 15 minutes.